Dr. Brad A. MacNeil Psychological Services
Telepsychology Assessment, Therapy, Training & Consulting Services
Invited Training & Workshops
MacNeil, B. A. (2022, May). Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) open group format for adult eating disorders: Targeting
adaptiveness, flexibility, and values. Workshop accepted for presentation at the Canadian Psychological Association 83rd Annual
National Convention, Calgary, Alberta.
Mac Neil, B. A. (2022, June). Adapting exposure with response prevention (ERP) for delivery in a virtual group therapy format for
addressing negative body image. Workshop accepted for presentation at the International Conference on Eating Disorders (ICED),
Monterrey, Mexico.
MacNeil, B. A. (2019, Oct). Adult cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) course. Clinical training in CBT provided over one week with 3-6
months of follow-up group, individual, and peer-to-peer consultation through the Provincial Centre of Training, Education,
and Learning, Policy & Planning, Mental Health & Addictions, Nova Scotia Health Authority (NSHA), NS, Canada.
MacNeil, B. A. (2019, Oct). Brief interventions and single session therapy (SST). Clinical training workshop provided through the
Provincial Centre of Training, Education, and Learning, Policy & Planning, Mental Health & Addictions, NSHA, NS, Canada.
MacNeil, B. A. (2019, Nov). Child and adolescent cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) course. Clinical training in CBT provided over one
week with 3-6 months of follow-up group, individual, and peer-to-peer consultation through the Provincial Centre of Training,
Education, and Learning, Policy & Planning, Mental Health & Addictions, NSHA, NS, Canada.
MacNeil, B. A. (2019, Oct). Foundational clinical skills training course. Clinical training in foundational clinical skills provided over one
week with 3-6 months of follow-up group, individual, and peer-to-peer consultation through the Provincial Centre of Training,
Education, and Learning, Policy & Planning, Mental Health & Addictions, NSHA, NS, Canada.
Mac Neil, B. A. (2017, May). An introduction to cognitive remediation therapy (CRT) for adult eating disorders. Clinical workshop
presented to clinicians with the Central West Eating Disorder Program. Milton, ON, Canada.
Mac Neil, B. A. (2016, Dec.). Cognitive remediation therapy. Clinical presentation presented to clinicians at the Ontario Community
Outreach Program for Eating Disorders Annual Provincial Network meeting, Toronto, ON, Canada.
Mac Neil, B. A. (2015, Jan.). An introduction to evidenced based treatment for adult eating disorders and services offered through the
Adult Eating Disorders Clinic of Hotel Dieu Hospital. Clinical workshop presented to staff at Health Counseling and Disability
Services, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada.
Mac Neil, B. A. (2015, Sept.). An introduction to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: A skills based overview of the six core
components and application in clinical settings. Clinical workshop presented to the staff at the Student Wellness Center of
Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada.
Mac Neil, B. A., & Raney, T. J. (2013, Mar.). Meal support on the Eating Disorders Inpatient Unit (EDU). Continuing education
workshop presented to staff at the Center of Excellence for Eating Disorders, Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, UNC
at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USA.
Raney, T. J., & Mac Neil, B. A. (2012, Nov.). An overview of group therapy on the Eating Disorders Inpatient Unit: Cognitive
restructuring skill building. Continuing education workshop presented to staff at the Center of Excellence for Eating Disorders,
Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, UNC at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USA.
Mac Neil, B. A. (2012, Aug.). Inpatient and day treatment group therapy program training. Clinical workshop presented to staff with
the Pediatric Eating Disorders Program, McMaster Children’s Hospital, Hamilton, ON, Canada.
Mac Neil, B. A. (2012, Feb.). Inpatient and day treatment group therapy program development. Clinical workshop presented to Nursing
Staff with the Pediatric Eating Disorders Program, McMaster Children’s Hospital, Hamilton, ON, Canada.
Invited Presentations
Mac Neil, B. A. (2018, Nov.). Counseling and psychological services for high school students transitioning to college and university.
Invited panel presentation for resource teachers and grade 12 students at Woodson High School, Fairfax, Virginia, USA.
Mac Neil, B. A. (2018, June). The role of clinical psychology in outpatient eating disorders: Review of current research projects. Invited
presentation for research assistants in the Department of Psychiatry, Queen’s University and Providence Continuing Care (PCC),
Mood and Anxiety Disorders Program, PCC, Kingston, ON, Canada.
Mac Neil, B. A. (2017, Nov.). An overview of the Adult Eating Disorders Program and Male Assessment and Treatment Track (MATT) of
Kingston Health Sciences Centre. Clinical presentation to clinicians at Health Counseling and Disability Services (HCDS), Queen’s
University, Kingston, ON, Canada.
Mac Neil, B. A. (2016, Dec.). Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT): A primer. Psychology lunch and learn presented to graduate
students in clinical psychology, Department of Psychology, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada.
Mac Neil, B. A.(2016, Nov.). Living with anxiety: Signs, symptoms, and seeking help. Public presentation for Got Your Back campaign
to promote mental health awareness. Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada.
Mac Neil, B. A.(2016, Feb.). Raising awareness about adult eating disorders: Dispelling the myths about eating disorders, treatment,
and recovery. Public talk presented for Eating Disorders Awareness Week 2016, Queen’s University through Authentically U,
Kingston, ON, Canada.
Mac Neil, B. A.(2016, Feb.). Eating disorders are as diverse as the people they affect: Dispelling myths about eating disorder and
evidence-based treatment. Public presentation for Psychology Month lunch and learn Speaker Series, Hotel Dieu Hospital,
Kingston, ON, Canada.
Mac Neil, B. A.(2016, Feb.). Program stats and the new male treatment track. Hospital-wide presentation for Eating Disorders
Awareness Week 2016, Adult Eating Disorders Program, Hotel Dieu Hospital, Kingston, ON, Canada.
Mac Neil, B. A.(2016, Feb.).Adult eating disorders: Improving community and public awareness. Public talk presented forEating
Disorders Awareness Week (EDAW) 2016, Adult Eating Disorders Program, Hotel Dieu Hospital, Kingston, ON, Canada.
Mac Neil, B. A. (2015, Feb.). Men and eating disorders. Hospital-wide presentation for Eating Disorders Awareness Week 2015 at the
Adult Eating Disorders Clinic of Hotel Dieu Hospital, Kingston, ON, Canada.
Mac Neil, B. A.(2018, June). Road to a career in clinical psychology. Invited presentation for research assistants in the Department of
Psychiatry, Queen’s University and Providence Continuing Care (PCC), Mood and Anxiety Disorders Program, PCC, Kingston,
ON, Canada.
Mac Neil, B. A.(2015, Dec.). Evidence-based treatments for PTSD: An introduction to prolonged exposure therapy (PE). Psychology
rounds lunch and learn presented to graduate students in Clinical Psychology, Department of Psychology, Queen’s University,
Kingston, ON, Canada.
Mac Neil, B. A. (2014, Feb.). Adult Eating Disorders: Raising awareness and community engagement. Public keynote address for the
Queen’s University Mental Health Awareness Committee (Mhac) 2014 Speaker Series on Mental Health, Kingston, ON, Canada.
Leduc, S., & Mac Neil, B. A. (2014, Oct.). A brief introduction to nutrition and therapeutic interventions for body dissatisfaction for
adults struggling with eating disorders. Public presentation for Fat Talk Free Week Conference, Department of Nursing, St.
Lawrence College, Brockville, ON, Canada.
Mac Neil, B. A. (2013, Sept.). Compassion fatigue in the treatment of eating disorders. Presentation for the Center of Excellence for
Eating Disorders Family Night, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USA.
Mac Neil, B. A. (2013, Nov.). Practicum training opportunities at Hotel Dieu Hospital in General Outpatient Psychiatry and Adult
Eating Disorders. Psychology rounds lunch and learn for graduate students in Clinical Psychology in the Department of
Psychology, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada.
Mac Neil, B. A., & Taico, C. (2013, Jan.). Family based therapy approaches to the treatment of eating disorders. Psychiatry resident
rounds, Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USA.
Mac Neil, B. A.(2011, Oct.). Interdisciplinary team function: Role of a psychologist. Predoctoral internship rounds presentation to
Psychology Residents with the CPA Accredited Child and Family Clinical Psychology Internship, McMaster Children’s Hospital,
Hamilton, ON, Canada.
Mac Neil, B. A.(2010, Oct.). Adjunct treatments for adolescents in phase 3 of family based therapy (FBT). Clinical workshop for mental
health staff with the Grey Bruce County and Oakville Trafalgar Eating Disorders Program, Hamilton, ON, Canada.
Mac Neil, B. A. (2010, June). Diagnostic assessment of eating disorders in children and adolescents. Clinical workshop for staff with the
Child and Youth Mental Health Program, McMaster Children’s Hospital, Hamilton, ON, Canada.
Mac Neil, B. A. (2010, Oct.). Interdisciplinary team function. Predoctoral internship rounds presentation to Psychology Residents with
the CPA Accredited Child and Family Clinical Psychology Internship, McMaster Children’s Hospital, Hamilton, ON, Canada.