E-mail: drmacneil@halifaxclinicalpsychologist.com; psych@drbradamacneil.com
Phone: 1-(703) 587-3084
Dr. Brad A. MacNeil Psychological Services
Telepsychology Assessment, Therapy, Training & Consulting Services
Dr. MacNeil is a Licensed Psychologist in Nova Scotia (R#0912), and Arizona (PSY-oo5403) where he is an Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology at Midwestern University, Glendale AZ. He provides telepsychology assessment, therapy, training and consultation services.
- Depression and anxiety
- Body image concerns
- Traumatic stress
- Disordered eating in men
- Binge eating disorder (BED)
- Social anxiety and GAD
- Panic disorder
- Relationship stressors
- College student mental health
*Visit our new website at www.drbradamacneil.com
News & Media Appearances
Staff education creating an impact across KHSC. KGH Connect News and Information. http://www.kgh.on.ca/kghconnect/news/staff-education-creating-impact-across-khsc
Canada 150 Celebrating Health Research November 2017 Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), Government of Canada. Dr. Brad Mac Neil, C. Psych. Men and Eating Disorders. http://www.cihr-irsc.gc.ca/e/50395.html
Interview on CBC Radio Ottawa Morning News. Men and eating disorders: Research from a new designated treatment track for men with the illness.
Psychologists in Hospitals and Health Centers. Dr. Brad MacNeil hosts symposium at upcoming CPA Conference in Ottawa on Innovative group treatments for eating disorders.
Interview with Kingston Health Sciences Center News Letter. New residency program boosts profile of clinical psychology at KHSC. https://kghtoday.kgh.on.ca/news/6225
Featured article in the Kingston Whig Standard for Got Your Back public lecture titled “Living with Anxiety”.
Featured podcast and video for The Struggle is Real on the topic of seeking help for mental health concerns. http://www.thestruggleisreal.live/
Featured radio story on 98.3 Fly FM. Eating Disorders Awareness Week February 1 to 5. http://www.983flyfm.com/News/Headlines/Eating-Disorder-Awareness-Week-February-1-5
Interview with Station 14 News Kingston. Eating Disorders Awareness Week: Eating Disorders are as Diverse as the People They Affect. http://www.station14.ca/video.html?id=3838
Interview with the Kingston Whig Standard. Eating Disorders Awareness Week 2016: I’m worth fighting for!
Interview with the CKWS News. EDAW 2016: Hotel Dieu Hospital brings awareness to eating disorders
Interview with Station 14 News Kingston. Eating Disorders Awareness Week: Talking saves lives. http://www.station14.ca/video.html?id=1704
Interview with the Kingston Heritage and Frontenac Gazette. Eating Disorders Awareness Week: Hotel Dieu Adult Eating Disorders clinic unveils new kitchen facility during awareness week. http://www.kingstonregion.com/news-story/5325710-hotel-dieu-adult-eating-disorders-clinic-unveils-new-kitchen-facility-during-awareness-week/
Featured story in “The Quarterly: Catholic Health Care in Ontario” titled Adult Eating Disorder Clinic at Hotel Dieu Hospital.
Interview with Hotel Dieu Hospital Hdhenews. Talking at the heart of 2015 Eating Disorders Awareness Week. http://www.hoteldieu.com/news-and-media/news/talking-at-the-heart-of-2015-eating-disorders-awareness-week-at-hotel-dieu-hospital
Interview with the Queen’s University Journal. Silently starving for more support. http://queensjournal.ca/story/2014-02-28/postscript/silently-starving-more-support/
Interview with Hotel Dieu Hospital Hdhenews. Ask the expert: What is vital in the treatment of eating disorders?