Dr. Brad A. MacNeil Psychological Services
Telepsychology Assessment, Therapy, Training & Consulting Services
Mac Neil, B. A. (2016, Nov.). #ERP: Treatment implications across the lifespan to target body dissatisfaction in the later phases of
recovery from an eating disorder.Workshop presented at the Renfrew Center Foundation for Eating Disorders Annual
Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Mac Neil, B. A.(2015, June). An innovative group therapy for body dissatisfaction: Exposure with response prevention as an adjunct
treatment for eating disorders. Workshop presented at the Annual Canadian Psychological Association Conference, Ottawa, ON.
Mac Neil, B. A.(2015, Apr.).Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT): An overview of the six core components. Workshop
presented at the Building Behavioural Solutions Conference, St. Lawrence College, Kingston, ON.
Haghiri, B., & Mac Neil, B. A.(2014, Nov.). A brief review of PTSD diagnosis and management. Workshop presented at the 14thAnnual
Conference on Mood and Anxiety Disorders, Mood Disorders Research and Treatment Service Providence Care, Mental Health
Services and the Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Health Sciences, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON.
Mac Neil, B. A.(2014, Oct.). An innovative group therapy approach for body dissatisfaction: Integrating exposure with response
prevention (ERP) as an adjunct to evidenced based treatment for eating disorders. Workshop presented at the Annual Eating
Disorders Association of Canada (EDAC) Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Scientific Papers & Symposia
Mac Neil, B. A., & McDavid, K. (2017, June).Canadian patient satisfaction and outcomes from group-based cognitive remediation and emotion skills training in a hospital-based adult eating disorders program. In B. A. Mac Neil (Moderator), The application of
innovative outpatient group treatments for Canadian adults struggling with a DSM-5 diagnosis of an eating disorder. Symposium
presented at the Annual Canadian Psychological Association Conference, Toronto, ON.
Hudson, C. C., & Mac Neil, B. A.(2017, June). Patient engagement and satisfaction with acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)
for adult eating disorders in an open group therapy format. In B. A. Mac Neil (Moderator), The application of innovative
outpatient group treatments for Canadian adults struggling with a DSM-5 diagnosis of an eating disorder. Paper presented at
the Annual Canadian Psychological Association Conference, Toronto, ON.
Leung, P., & Mac Neil, B. A.(2017, June).Examining trait-based thinking styles in Canadian adults with a DSM-5 diagnosis of an
eating disorder.In B. A. Mac Neil (Moderator), The application of innovative outpatient group treatments for Canadian adults
struggling with a DSM-5 diagnosis of an eating disorder. Paper presented at the Annual Canadian Psychological Association
Conference, Toronto, ON.
Mac Neil, B. A., & Nadkarni, P. (2016, Sept.).Addressing body dissatisfaction in eating disorders: The role of exposure with response
prevention (ERP). Paper presented at the Canadian Psychiatric Association (CPA) 66thAnnual Conference, Toronto, ON.
Mac Neil, B. A., & Nadkarni, P. (2016, Sept.). Tackling the ego syntonic nature of eating disorders: Engagement and recovery
outcomes. Paper presented at the Canadian Psychiatric Association (CPA) 66thAnnual Conference, Toronto, ON.
Nadkarni, P., Dhaliwal, S., Mazhar, N., MacNeil, B. A., Carmona, N. & Groll, D. (2016, May). Eating disorders: Journey from DSM-IV
to DSM-5. Paper presented at the Canadian Psychiatric Association (CPA) 66thAnnual Conference, Toronto, ON.
Nadkarni, P., & Mac Neil, B. A.(2015, Aug.). Eating disorders: An evading enigma. Paper presented at the International Academy of
Law and Mental Health Conference, Vienna, Austria.
Mac Neil, B. A., Nadkarni, P., Stubbs, L., & Montemarano, V. (2015, May). Program evaluation data from the Adult Outpatient Eating
Disorders Clinic of Hotel Dieu Hospital: Patient satisfaction and preliminary patient outcomes. Paper presented at the
Department of Psychiatry Annual Research Conference, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON.
Mac Neil, B. A., Nadkarni, P., O’Brien, C., Stubbs, L., & Montemarano, V. (2015, May). Cognitive Remediation Therapy for adult
eating disorders: Patient engagement and satisfaction with a novel flexible approach. Paper presentedat the Department of
Psychiatry Annual Research Conference, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON.
Mac Neil, B. A., & Stubbs, L. (2014, Oct.). Cognitive remediation therapy as an innovative group treatment for adult eating disorders:
Patient satisfaction and preliminary outcomes from a Canadian tertiary care center. Paper presented at the Bi-Annual Eating
Disorders Association of Canada (EDAC) Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Mac Neil, B. A., & Hennig, K. (2003, May). Adolescent dating violence: Role of the deviant peer group. Paper presented at the Annual
Atlantic Provinces Council on the Sciences (APICS) Conference, Memorial University, Saint John’s, NFLD.
Poster Presentations
Mac Neil, B. A., & Hudson, C. C., & Nadkarni, P. (2018, Sept.). Prescribed pharmacotherapy prior to receiving specialized psychiatric
assessment for an eating disorder. Poster accepted for presentation at the 69thAnnual Canadian Psychiatric Association
Conference, Toronto, ON.
Bahji, A., Nadkarni, P., Mac Neil, B. A., Mazhar, N., Hudson, C. C. (2018, May). Prevalence and patterns of substance use in eating
disorders: A systematic review. Poster presented at the Annual American Psychiatric Association (APA) Conference, New York,
Mac Neil, B. A. (2018, April). #Canadian Medscape: The types of psychiatric medication patients have been prescribed prior to
receiving specialized assessment for an eating disorder. Poster presented at the International Conference on Eating Disorders
(ICED), Chicago, IL.
Mac Neil, B. A., & Hudson, C. C. (2018, April). Evaluating neuropsychological thinking patterns in patients with an eating disorder:
Associations with life satisfaction, anxiety and depressive symptoms, and psychological symptoms of the eating disorder.
Poster presented at the International Conference on Eating Disorders (ICED), Chicago, IL.
Mac Neil, B. A., & Hudson, C. C. (2018, April). A case of Mycobacterium kansasii in a male patient receiving treatment of anorexia
nervosa and obsessive compulsive disorder: Clinical implications and considerations. Poster presented at the International
Conference on Eating Disorders (ICED), Chicago, IL.
Hudson, C. C., & Mac Neil, B. A.(2018, April). A case of symptom relapse post placement of intrauterine device (IUD) in a Canadian
patient with bulimia nervosa: Consequence or coincidence. Poster accepted for presentation at the International Conference on
Eating Disorders (ICED), Chicago, IL.
Hudson, C. C., & Mac Neil, B. A.(2018, April).Examining the association between Canadian patients’ readiness to change eating
disorder behaviour and treatment engagement in an adult outpatient eating disorder program. Poster presented at
the International Conference on Eating Disorders (ICED), Chicago, IL.
Nadkarni, P., Mac Neil, B. A., Dempsey, K., & Hudson, C. C. (2017, Sept.). Intrauterine device and relapse of bulimia nervosa. Poster
presented at the 68thAnnual Canadian Psychiatric Association Conference, Ottawa, ON.
Leung, P., Mac Neil, B. A., Nadkarni, P., & Leduc, S. (2016, Oct.). Hurry up and wait: A case example of a novel treatment approach
to managing patients with anorexia nervosa awaiting inpatient care. Poster presented at the Bi-Annual Eating Disorders
Association of Canada (EDAC) Conference, Winnipeg, MB.
Leung, P., & Mac Neil, B. A.(2016, Oct.). Targeting body dissatisfaction in the later stages of evidence-based care: Preliminary
outcomes. Poster presented at the Bi-Annual Eating Disorders Association of Canada (EDAC) Conference, Winnipeg, MB.
Montemarrano, V., & Mac Neil, B. A.(2016, Oct.). Preliminary study examining self-evaluation of body image scale (SEBI): Patient
areas of self-evaluation, validity, and reliability. Poster presented at the Bi-Annual Eating Disorders Association of Canada
(EDAC) Conference, Winnipeg, MB.
Mac Neil, B. A.(2016, May). Pilot evaluation of a group based approach for body dissatisfaction: Patient areas of self-evaluation,
preliminary outcomes, and overall satisfaction. Poster presented at the International Conference on Eating Disorders (ICED), San Francisco, CA.
Leung, P., & Mac Neil, B. A.(2016, May). A pilot program evaluation of a group-based Canadian outpatient Adult Eating Disorders
Program: Patient satisfaction and clinical outcomes. Poster presented at the International Conference on Eating Disorders
(ICED), San Francisco, CA.
Mac Neil, B. A., & Montemarano, V. (2015, June). Acceptance and commitment therapy for adult eating disorders: Preliminary
outcomes and patient satisfaction for a values based approach to treatment and recovery. Electronic poster presented at the
Annual Canadian Psychological Association Conference, Ottawa, ON.
Mac Neil, B. A., & Stubbs, L. (2014, Oct.). Acceptance and commitment therapy group for adult eating disorders: A novel outpatient
approach to patient engagement and treatment. Poster presented at the Annual Eating Disorders Association of Canada (EDAC)
Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Mac Neil, B. A., & The Adult Eating Disorders Team (2014, Oct.). Program evaluation and patient satisfaction data for an adult
outpatient eating disorders program in Southeastern Ontario: What are the patients and measures telling us? Poster presented
at the Bi-Annual Eating Disorders Association of Canada (EDAC) Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Stubbs, L., & Mac Neil, B. A.(2014, Oct.). Addressing body image using a group therapy approach for treatment of adult eating
disorders: Patient areas of self-evaluation and outcomes. Poster presented at the Bi-Annual Eating Disorders Association of
Canada (EDAC) Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Mac Neil, B. A., Van Blyderveen, S. A., & Summers, J. (2013, May). Characteristics of adolescent boys’ experiences of an eating
disorder: Age, percentage of ideal body weight, psychological symptoms, and diagnosis. Poster presented at the International
Conference on Eating Disorders (ICED), Montreal, QC.
Mac Neil, B. A., Summers, J., & Van Blyderveen, S. A. (2013, May). Do adolescents receiving family based therapy (FBT) for an eating
disorder benefit as much as other adolescent patients from group treatment for comorbid social anxiety. Poster presented at the
International Conference on Eating Disorders (ICED), Montreal, QC.
Mac Neil, B. A., & Van Blyderveen, S. (2012, May). A group treatment program for adolescents’ in phase 3 of family based treatment
(FBT) for an eating disorder: Addressing body image concerns. Poster presented at the International Conference on Eating
Disorders (ICED), Austin, TX.
Mac Neil, B. A., & Van Blyderveen, S. (2012, May). Dropout and patient satisfaction among adolescents receiving group therapy for
body satisfaction in an outpatient pediatric eating disorder clinic. Poster presented at the International Conference on Eating
Disorders (ICED), Austin, TX.
Van Blyderveen, S., Couturier, J., Mac Neil, B., & Chen, Y. (2012, May). Patient and parent satisfaction with family based treatment
refeeding? Poster presented at the International Conference on Eating Disorders (ICED), Austin, TX.
Van Blyderveen, S., Webb, C., Mac Neil, B., Findlay, S., Couturier, J., Grant, C., Johnson, N., Green, T., John-Carson, N., Thor, J.,
Toombs, I., and Chen, Y. (2011, May). Patient satisfaction among youth, and their parents, receiving family based treatment for
an eating disorder. Canadian Association of Pediatric Health Centers Annual Conference, Ottawa, ON.
Moseley-Gianelli, J., Mac Neil, B. A., & the Pediatric Eating Disorders Team (2011, Apr.). Examining preliminary data from a
cognitive behavioural therapy group intervention for youth anxiety. Poster presented at Psychiatry Research Day in the
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON.
Mac Neil, B. A., & Sears, H. A. (2011, Mar.). Experiences of psychological aggression in a dating relationship and adolescent
adjustment: Does coping moderate the link? Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Child
Development (SRCD), Montreal, QC.
Mac Neil, B. A., & Van Blyderveen, S. (2010, Oct.). A cognitive behavioural therapy group for body satisfaction: A discussion of group
content and preliminary data. Poster presented at the Eating Disorders Association of Canada (EDAC) Biennial Conference,
Toronto, ON.
Mac Neil, B. A., & Sears, H. A. (2009, Apr.). Adolescents’ experiences of psychologically aggressive behaviour from a dating partner:
Examining gender, coping, and adjustment. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Child
Development, Denver, CO.
Mac Neil, B. A., & Sears, H. A. (2007, June). Adolescents’ perceptions of negative life events: An evaluation of established and new
appraisal domains.Canadian Psychology, 48 (2a), 111.
Mac Neil, B. A., & Sears, H. A. (2007, June). Demographic and individual characteristics of youths with a serious problem.Canadian
Psychology, 48 (2a), 222.
Mac Neil, B. A.(2007, April). Addressing the unique needs of teenage fathers and promoting paternal involvement: A prenatal
therapeutic intervention strategy. Poster presented at the 5thAnnual Cape Breton Health Research Symposium, Sydney, NS
Mac Neil, B. A., & Sears, H. A. (2007, Apr.). Adolescents’ experiences and appraisals of stressful life events. Poster presented at the 5th
Annual Cape Breton Health Research Symposium, Sydney, NS.
Mac Neil, B. A., & Sears, H. A. (2007, Mar.). Adolescents' coping with stressful events: The roles of optimism, negative mood, and
event appraisals. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development (SRCD), Boston,
Mac Neil, B. A., & Sears, H. A. (2005, Apr.). Adolescents coping with stressful experiences: Gender and grade level differences. Poster
presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development (SRCD), Atlanta, GA.
Mac Neil, B. A., & Hennig, K. (2004, June). Qualities of peer interactions and adolescent boys’ involvement in antisocial behaviour
and dating violence. Canadian Psychology, 45 (2a), 51.